Me and my 38 week belly mid-contraction, as well as my birthing class name tag! We just got home :)
Okay! I am definitely experiencing contractions. I couldn't wait to post tonight because I am officially 38 weeks AND I couldn't wait to talk about the birthing class and tour that Marcus and I went on, but I had no idea that I would also be talking about my contractions that started today.....DURING CLASS! How funny.
Since about 6pm I have been having 45 second to 1 minute long contractions every 3 and a half it's been 5 hours of consistent contractions. During class I drew Marcus attention to how hard my belly was (like a bowling ball) and with that he began timing my contractions with his phone. That's when we realized that they were consistent and for over an hour. I am just confused because I thought they would be a lot more painful than they are right now.
We talked to the nurse that was leading the birthing class and she said that if the cramps are mild, then I'm probably okay and can go home and wait for them to get stronger. HOWEVER my pain threshold is pretty high when it comes to cramps so maybe I am having worse pains then I think. They are definitely not pleasant, but they are not bad at all. Not even close.
The nurse also said that they could still possibly be Braxton Hicks, even though they are consistent, but if my water breaks OR I wake up tonight with extremely painful cramps then I need to go to the hospital.
So who knows! This could be my last post pre-Harrison! We are excited. I won't be able to sleep. Neither will my mom. We could very well go to the hospital tonight or the contractions could stop and I not go in for another 2 weeks! Or 4 weeks if he's late! We shall see!
The funny thing is, if I really am going into labor, I have said all along that I thought my due date was off by 2 weeks and have said that I will either go into labor the 19th (exactly 2 weeks before my due date) or right on March 5th (my actual due date). And here it is, the 19th of February, 2 weeks before my due date, and I'm experiencing regular contractions.
Right now though, at 11pm Tuesday February 19th I am feeling fine. Just watching my tummy get hard and pointy every 3 minutes and feeling Harrison break dance in between each one. Oh and dealing with some heart burn again. So weird that I get heartburn right before delivery when heartburn is actually suppose to be going away!
Count down begins! Maybe.....
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