Wednesday, February 6, 2013

36 Weeks

36 Week Belly

I am now including my face in these pictures because the closer we get, the more I want to remember what I looked like right before Harrison was born :) And also to document my starting-to-become-puffy face! (to match my now puffy feet hee hee)

Okay, 36 weeks! What's exciting about 36 weeks? At the end of this week Harrison will be considered full term! Also, the possible due date of February 17th is 10 days away now! Although I would be really surprised if he came in February. I still think he will be a March baby but you never know. We are ready for anything :)

My parents ordered our baby monitor and it came in the mail, and that was officially the last baby item we needed. We're set! I've even washed my baby blanket from when I was born and have it ready in the diaper bag to bring Harrison home :)

Okay, so after seeing Harry's face in 3D at Stork Vision, Marcus and I pulled out our baby pictures. Some people think Harrison looks like Marcus, and some people think he looks like me. Maybe he won't end up looking like either of us, but grandpa or a great aunt! So exciting. Anyway, take a look!

Harrison and Marcus

Harrison and Me

And here are a few of Harry with his eyes open and Marcus

Aw! So cute! I'm so anxious! I am almost finished putting together my long-term sub binder and am starting to bring things home from my desk since I will not be returning to teach this year. Today I got the confirmation that my last day will be March 4th and that my long-term sub is all set up. Between that and these awesome ultrasounds and our mounding baby supplies I am growing more and more anxious, not to mention impatient! But I'm trying to not rush it and just slow down and enjoy it like everyone says. 

I am continuing to have an awesome pregnancy. Just the other night I experienced heart burn for only the 3rd time since I became pregnant (which is weird because Harrison is LOADED with hair). Also, I have been up on my feet teaching all day every day and just recently have my feet become slightly sore or achey. If I didn't have this giant belly or feel this very active baby dancing all the time I would not even know I was pregnant! I am so thankful for such a smooth pregnancy. Even if all the other pregnancies are rough, at least I had one smooth one :) It is going to be weird to not have this little one with me every second of every day. I love having him here knowing that he is alive and doing well all the time. I can see how no longer being pregnant makes some women sad. :( However, being able to HOLD him and kiss him, to me, will be the most awesome feeling in the world. Even more awesome than feeling him move in my belly :)

My weekly doctor's appointments begin this Friday, so I will know in a few days if I am dilating or not and will post as soon as I find out! Like I said though, I don't think he's coming early. I think he's in it for the long haul :D

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