Saturday, February 23, 2013

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

38 Weeks 1 Day

So today I continued to experience contractions, but they became further apart. This morning they were coming about every 6 minutes, then after that I have no idea because I was teaching all day, moving around the room, not really able to focus on the tightening. But I figured, hey, if they were true contractions I wouldn't have to "concentrate" on feeling them. I would feel them!

This morning during my 1st and 2nd period I was nauseous (again, so weird that I am experiencing nausea for the first time so late in pregnancy) and then became very nauseous again this afternoon during my homeroom. My contractions were still coming, but still very far apart and painless. Then I cramped up very badly for about a minute and a half at 3:30 and wished I wasn't sitting at my desk in a room full of children! Then it went away and I have felt zero pain since. Hurry up contractions! I'm ready and waiting for you! My doctor's appointment is tomorrow morning and I am so anxious. If I am not dilated any further than 1 cm I am going to freak! Come on baby! :D

Harrison has been VERY active! Today has been his most active day this entire pregnancy. He is constantly stretching out and contorting my stomach into weird, oblong and pointy shapes. My coworkers finally got to see just how extreme his movements are! Even right now, he is non-stop moving. I feel like he has just had enough and wants to stretch out his arms and legs so bad. He never gives up trying. Right now my stomach is completely lopsided because he is pushing his legs straight out. Soon, my sweet baby boy, you will have all the room in the world. Literally :)

Boring post, but since it's now coming down to the day I want to make sure to capture every day and what I am going through. Today it is unusually cold, it rained all day, and it snowed! I drove through hail on my way home and am now watching a purple storm roll in through our front windows. Bruiser is trembling because of the thunder. As I am trying to post he keeps climbing on top of me to protect me! Here is Bruiser, Super Dog.

Anyway, even though Marcus and I plan on having more children, you never know, this might be my only pregnancy that I am blessed with and I want to use this blog to help me document and remember it forever! I am so thankful for such a beautiful, fascinating, and smooth pregnancy even if it's my only one and I just can't believe it's coming down to an end. But I sure can't wait to see my precious baby Harry.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

38 Weeks....and Contractions Start

Me and my 38 week belly mid-contraction, as well as my birthing class name tag! We just got home :)

Okay! I am definitely experiencing contractions. I couldn't wait to post tonight because I am officially 38 weeks AND I couldn't wait to talk about the birthing class and tour that Marcus and I went on, but I had no idea that I would also be talking about my contractions that started today.....DURING CLASS! How funny.

Since about 6pm I have been having 45 second to 1 minute long contractions every 3 and a half it's been 5 hours of consistent contractions. During class I drew Marcus attention to how hard my belly was (like a bowling ball) and with that he began timing my contractions with his phone. That's when we realized that they were consistent and for over an hour. I am just confused because I thought they would be a lot more painful than they are right now. 

We talked to the nurse that was leading the birthing class and she said that if the cramps are mild, then I'm probably okay and can go home and wait for them to get stronger. HOWEVER my pain threshold is pretty high when it comes to cramps so maybe I am having worse pains then I think. They are definitely not pleasant, but they are not bad at all. Not even close.

The nurse also said that they could still possibly be Braxton Hicks, even though they are consistent, but if my water breaks OR I wake up tonight with extremely painful cramps then I need to go to the hospital. 

So who knows! This could be my last post pre-Harrison! We are excited. I won't be able to sleep. Neither will my mom. We could very well go to the hospital tonight or the contractions could stop and I not go in for another 2 weeks! Or 4 weeks if he's late! We shall see!

The funny thing is, if I really am going into labor, I have said all along that I thought my due date was off by 2 weeks and have said that I will either go into labor the 19th (exactly 2 weeks before my due date) or right on March 5th (my actual due date). And here it is, the 19th of February, 2 weeks before my due date, and I'm experiencing regular contractions.

Right now though, at 11pm Tuesday February 19th I am feeling fine. Just watching my tummy get hard and pointy every 3 minutes and feeling Harrison break dance in between each one. Oh and dealing with some heart burn again. So weird that I get heartburn right before delivery when heartburn is actually suppose to be going away!

Count down begins! Maybe.....

Thursday, February 14, 2013

37 Weeks 2 Days Doctor's Visit

Thursday, February 14th: 1cm dilated, 30% effaced.

So today, at 37 weeks and 2 days, I am still 1 cm dilated and 30% effaced, so no changes here, but I know that doesn't mean anything. He could still come at any moment!

Still cramping, still feeling sharp, shooting sensations quite frequently, and still congested! I just got over a head cold, but other than that still doing great! Harrison is still squirming and wiggling away and he gets hiccups quite often. So cute <3 

Marcus and I have a child birthing class coming up on Tuesday evening, so I'm hoping that we make it to that! The second part of our class isn't until February 26th! Now that's the class I'm not sure we will be at but I figure getting half of the course in is better than none, especially since I am going to have Harrison naturally. I have read pretty much all of the literature out there as far as natural child birth, and I've watched every video out there as well since I found out I was pregnant. I have really mentally prepared myself for what to expect and all the stages, particularly what I will be feeling where and why (which is awesome to me. I love knowing exactly what is happening with my body) BUT I still want to go to the child birth class, even if all I get out of it is seeing the hospital and knowing where to go once the day does arrive. :)

Okay Harrison, we continue to wait for you as anxious as can be :)

Tick, tick, tick......

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

37 Weeks!

Hurray for 37 weeks! Yesterday I hit the 37 week mile marker, which means little Harry is now full term. Yesterday was also the anniversary of when Marcus and I met for the very first time! Because of that, I wanted to reminisce about that day. :) 

We were both at a party where I knew practically no one except my girlfriend who I drug with me and he knew everyone. I was in the kitchen getting myself a drink when Marcus came over to introduce himself and ask if I was having a good time. When he asked me, though, I was mid drink and decided to finish my drink and swallow lol. This is actually really funny because he really thought I blew him off so he said, "Okay" and began to walk away very awkwardly! I still feel so bad about that. Of course I told him sorry and told him I wasn't having a good time at all. It's never fun being a girl in a cocktail dress surrounded by mostly boys. After that we talked........and talked ....... and talked, for many hours, there in the kitchen. We moved to a bedroom with a friend of mine where we could actually hear each other and the conversation kept going. I knew right away that I liked him a lot, in particular his kindness, his mouth, and the way he talked. We met up again the next day for another day of the three-night party, and the next day (Valentines Day) we exchanged phone numbers. We started dating then, I asked him to move in on New Years, he proposed the following Christmas, we got married the following June in Greenville, IL, and now, here in February, we are expecting our son. :D Time flies!

Anyway back to baby! I have been feeling quite a few stabbing pains and LOTS of pressure. When I walk it is often uncomfortable because I feel like I can't straighten my back all the way from all of the pressure. Tomorrow I have another doctor's appointment so my doctor can see if I'm any further along. I have a whole notecard full of questions to ask her and I WILL get them answered this time! I always feel very rushed, because our visits are literally 3 minutes long. She is very nice and I know she would answer them I just always feel like she is trying to get to her next patient....but you know what? It's MY baby and I shouldn't care that she's rushed! I just think that in order to do this I will literally have to grab her by her white coat to keep her from flying out of the door. lol.

The nursery is coming together! Here are a few pictures. We are still waiting on his awesome solar system rug, a world map for above his bed, and a few other pieces of furniture. The tiny bird house on his bookcase was made by Harrison's aunt, Elle, who is just 7 years old! She made it at Home Depot and gave it to us at our baby shower and it's such a perfect addition to his room :) By the way, there is no theme to his room. It's all over the place, all different colors, all different toys. I guess the theme is  fun, learning, and love :D

Harrison's bookcase.

Billy Goat hamper! One of my favorite childhood books was Three Billy Goat's Gruff, a book I still need to purchase to add to his collection. :)

Toy bin! Even though it will be a while before he is able to play with some of these toys, they are there and ready for him :) The personalized quilt is just awesome. Thank you Maria!

Dresser. The big stuffed giraffe belonged to my Grandma Sherwood, Harrison's great grandma, and is wearing the "It's a Boy" pin that my mom gave me and pinned on my shirt the very moment we found out we were having a boy. It's a great memento to remember such an awesome moment!

His elephant is waiting and ready to celebrate his first birthday (well, his 0th birthday) by wearing a party hat sewn by Aunt Dixie. His birthday could be any day now! 

Bookshelf. The caterpillar and elephant on top are a few gifts from my students, the super cute shoes are from my aunt Luanne and uncle Robert and are for when we go to Dana Point (hee hee) and the little wooden construction vehicles are just some toys that I bought. They are actually little wooden puzzles! So cute. And I still need to paint the H white! Ahhhh one more thing to do before he comes. I'm running out of time.

Tried to fit all of his nursery in one shot but it's very hard. It's almost done! 

It is SO much fun getting his room together. I am in heaven. We are so ready to meet him! Hurry Harry, hurry!

Friday, February 8, 2013

The Countdown Begins!

Friday, February 8th: 1 cm dilated - 30% effaced

Today at my doctor's appointment I found out I am 1 cm dilated and 30% effaced. My doctor said he is far down in the birth canal, but because he is still so active and wiggly he could move out of that position easily. She also said she could feel his head! Which means (sorry to use a somewhat-gross medical term here) I already lost the mucus plug, and based off of everything I read, you can lose the mucus plug up to 2 weeks before you go into labor. Up to 2 weeks? I'm still 3 and half weeks out so maybe he will come in a few weeks after all! Does anyone remember how soon they went into labor after losing the plug? (hee hee) Everything I have read online says there is no relationship between losing the plug and starting labor, but I am still curious :)

My aunt thinks he will come February 23rd or 26th, my mom thinks February 17th, and I think February 19th OR March 5th. So exciting. Gonna go finish packing his diaper bag with the last few items. . . :)

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

36 Weeks

36 Week Belly

I am now including my face in these pictures because the closer we get, the more I want to remember what I looked like right before Harrison was born :) And also to document my starting-to-become-puffy face! (to match my now puffy feet hee hee)

Okay, 36 weeks! What's exciting about 36 weeks? At the end of this week Harrison will be considered full term! Also, the possible due date of February 17th is 10 days away now! Although I would be really surprised if he came in February. I still think he will be a March baby but you never know. We are ready for anything :)

My parents ordered our baby monitor and it came in the mail, and that was officially the last baby item we needed. We're set! I've even washed my baby blanket from when I was born and have it ready in the diaper bag to bring Harrison home :)

Okay, so after seeing Harry's face in 3D at Stork Vision, Marcus and I pulled out our baby pictures. Some people think Harrison looks like Marcus, and some people think he looks like me. Maybe he won't end up looking like either of us, but grandpa or a great aunt! So exciting. Anyway, take a look!

Harrison and Marcus

Harrison and Me

And here are a few of Harry with his eyes open and Marcus

Aw! So cute! I'm so anxious! I am almost finished putting together my long-term sub binder and am starting to bring things home from my desk since I will not be returning to teach this year. Today I got the confirmation that my last day will be March 4th and that my long-term sub is all set up. Between that and these awesome ultrasounds and our mounding baby supplies I am growing more and more anxious, not to mention impatient! But I'm trying to not rush it and just slow down and enjoy it like everyone says. 

I am continuing to have an awesome pregnancy. Just the other night I experienced heart burn for only the 3rd time since I became pregnant (which is weird because Harrison is LOADED with hair). Also, I have been up on my feet teaching all day every day and just recently have my feet become slightly sore or achey. If I didn't have this giant belly or feel this very active baby dancing all the time I would not even know I was pregnant! I am so thankful for such a smooth pregnancy. Even if all the other pregnancies are rough, at least I had one smooth one :) It is going to be weird to not have this little one with me every second of every day. I love having him here knowing that he is alive and doing well all the time. I can see how no longer being pregnant makes some women sad. :( However, being able to HOLD him and kiss him, to me, will be the most awesome feeling in the world. Even more awesome than feeling him move in my belly :)

My weekly doctor's appointments begin this Friday, so I will know in a few days if I am dilating or not and will post as soon as I find out! Like I said though, I don't think he's coming early. I think he's in it for the long haul :D