Tuesday, January 22, 2013

34 Weeks!

Just chuggin' along at 34 weeks! The weeks are going by a lot faster now that I am much closer to my due date. 34 weeks! That's only 6 weeks away from meeting Harrison if not sooner! I can't take it anymore. I was just telling my mom that before, I was able to block out how anxious I was due to the fact that my due date was still pretty far away. But now that it is a mere 6 weeks I'm starting to really ache to see my baby boy. 

Speaking of SEEING my baby boy, we are off again to Stork Vision this Saturday for more pics AND a video! (4D) I will be SURE to add music and post the video asap. We cannot wait to see out little man. Last time we saw him 3D and in action he was a wee 15 weeks! He had my face shape and jaw but looked just like Marcus. So we shall see! Here is more belly at 34 weeks. :)

The one below really shows how out there and pointy my belly is getting!

Marcus is loving my pregnant belly. And it's great because at a time when I couldn't feel less feminine, he has never made me feel more beautiful. He loves my belly (and everything else that's changing) and it feels awesome to feel so supported. Here he is after falling asleep on the couch tonight. And where is his hand? Right on his son. :) 

Harrison's Nursery! This is Harrison's dresser, loaded up with all the diaper, first aid, and grooming supplies we will need (at least I hope). Also, even though we chose to cloth diaper Harrison, we have a giant stash of disposables just in case we either don't like it, or we just can't keep up. I have done my research and I know it will be a commitment, but even though I am still so sure I am a cloth diaper gal, I don't want to be naive either. I've never been a mother to a newborn and cloth diapering might just make me want to cry so we have back ups. ;) BUT I really am excited to cloth diaper! So far we have 24 cloth diapers, tons and tons of cloth wipes and all-natural baby diapering products like diaper rash cream and wipe solution that are highly recommended by moms all over youtube and facebook.
We have the diaper pail for the cloth diapers, washable diaper pail liners, wet bags for home and on the go, wipes bags for home and on the go, EVERYTHING! I'm so excited. After using cloth diapers for a few months I am going to make a youtube video review of the ones I like for newborns :)
As for everything else aside from his dresser, we still need curtains and a rug. Almost there!

And here is a close-up of some of the diapers. We are trying FuzziBunz perfect size smalls, Thirsties, and Bottom Bumpers. These will supposedly fit up until 18 pounds, and then we will need to get some one size diapers for 18 until potty training. They're just so cute! I also heard Kissaluvs are good too but Zoolikins did not have any for newborns. BTW I LOVE Zoolikins. The shopper for that store has good taste because it is LOADED with Dr. Seuss, my all-time favorite. Marcus is very on board and very excited to use the cloth diapers, too. Well, I don't know if I'd say "excited" lol, but he is very pro cloth diaper. 

And I will leave you with this cute pic. My precious baby girl, Matilda, moving up and down as Harrison plays in my belly. I would LOVE to know whether or not she is aware. Our other kitty, Renwick, doesn't seem to notice but Mattie does. She is sensitive and won't lay ON my tummy anymore, only off to the side or on my legs. She used to be all about the tummy and chest. She also stairs at my belly when he moves. In this pic her arms were bouncing up and down and she would just glance down and blink her eyes ever so lovingly. I just really wonder if my baby girl knows there is a baby boy just below :) 


  1. The key to cloth diapering is support. As long as you have the support from your husband and families, then you can do it. Nice to see another mommy friend who has done her research. I did as well. =) I wish I wasn't so naive about bottles though. I absolutely did not want them when I had my oldest. I read that it was too easy to slip into not breast feeding and just give the hungry crying baby a bottle. I ended up breaking down the first week he was home to get bottles because I needed some rest to make that very important milk! Thank goodness for breast pumps!

    You will make an awesome mommy!

  2. Thanks April! Yes, I definitely have hubby's support and parents, although my dad did refer to it as "Little House on the Prairie" lol! I am really excited though. I read about some studies that are showing a growing number of connections between the chemicals found in disposables and things like asthma and I have NOT read much about the types of chemicals found in them (very little literature exists about what exactly diaper companies use). And the thing is, whether or not there is really any relation, the fact that I read it is all it took. Now I can't NOT think about it and so cloth is the only way for me to go now. Same thing with this other research factoid that I heard from my sister in law about the link between autism and children watching all of those baby channels before the age of 2. So whether or not it turns out to be legitimate, who knows. But now that I have heard it I cannot take a chance. I guess I am already turning into a really scary mama bear! lol.
