Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Harrison's First Video!

Monday afternoon Marcus and I went in for our next big ultrasound appointment. Because the position of the placenta I had to go to a more specialized ultrasound facility to check up on Harrison. They took all of the vital measurements including his head, kidneys, and his overall length. They told us he is looking as healthy as a 19 week baby could be and they are seeing no signs of major deformities of the heart or brain and no physical signs of Downs Syndrome. Marcus and I decided to skip major genetic screenings including Downs Syndrome testing so we were happy to hear he is as healthy as can be.

We purchased a blank disc at the office and the ultrasound technician recorded the full 30 minute examination. We saw everything! I then came home and edited the 30 minute video down to a 6 minute video using iMovie and added music, transitions, and captions. We are so excited to be able to share photos and videos like these with our friends and family, and even little Harrison someday. =)

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